The latest episode of the controversial show saw Jiya Shankar, the newly assigne...
During a captaincy task in Bigg Boss OTT 2, tension escalated when Avinash Sachd...
Akanksha Puri feels that promotional clips were deliberately cut from her kiss w...
Akanksha Puri's and Jad Hadid's steamy liplock has created an unending buzz. Pos...
"This is my rule and I am telling you," said Jiya
Bigg Boss OTT 2: In a latest video, we see Abhishek Malhan and Manisha Rani disc...
'I had to just hold my lips for 30 seconds. But Jad got carried away.'
In Bigg Boss OTT 2's recent episode, Jiya Shankar, Jad Hadid, Avinash Sachdev ta...
From Bebika Dhurve accepting her mistake to contestants' having fun with Abdu Ro...
In the 17th episode of Bigg Boss OTT 2, Jad Hadid and Jiya Shankar were seen pla...
Kangana Ranaut recently took to her social media to congratulate the team of Tik...
Urfi Javed has taken a stand for Abdu Rozik after Manisha Rani forcibly kissed h...
Bigg Boss OTT 2: Akanksha Puri has said Jad Hadid had started getting involved i...
Urfi Javed shared Fukra Insaan's video and slammed him for saying that he go an ...
In the latest episode, Bigg Boss dismisses Abhishek Malhan from being the captai...
Akanksha Puri reacts to Jad Hadid calling her a 'bad kisser' in Bigg Boss OTT 2 ...