Among all contestants, Pooja Bhatt is one celebrity, who took everyone by surpri...
Amidst the relentless efforts by housemates, not everyone is able to strike that...
According to sources close to the show, family members of the contestants are li...
According to sources close to the show, the double elimination is on cards this ...
Currently, 10 contestants including two wildcard entries are in the race to reac...
Renowned YouTuber Dhruv Rathee is reportedly going to join Bigg Boss OTT Season ...
Salman Khan, who has been the beloved host of the reality show for several seaso...
Five contestants have been nominated for elimination this week -- Manisha Rani, ...
With every episode, Bigg Boss OTT 2 is captivating the audience’s attention. Now...
In Bigg Boss OTT Season 2, wildcard entrants Aashika Bhatia and Elvish Yadav hav...
Fans are eagerly speculating about a potential face-off between the two content ...
Bigg Boss OTT 2: Avinash Sachdev took it to next level when Elvish Yadav called ...
Days after his exit from Bigg Boss OTT 2, Cyrus Broacha calls it a 'horrible and...
From captaincy task to Falaq Naazz slamming Jiya Shankar and Jad Hadid, read to ...
Netizens are finding funny how Elvish once mocked the concept of Bigg Boss, and ...